Monday, February 23, 2015

Sorry Charlie

That TV financial fellow, Charles Schwab has been harping on me about retirement. So I took his advice and I've retired.  I've retired on my boat.

Really, when the 'rubber-meets-the-road.' at 69 years of age, what do you really need in order to be able to enjoy each day?

I need a bed with a comfortable and firm I can get into and out of without any strain. At my age, I've got to get in and out of it a number of times thru-out the night.

I absolutely need a coffee pot and the best cup I've ever brewed was with my Keurig brewer. I use a few cups in the morning to fuel my heart so it can jumpstart my brain.

The coffee has to multi-task. It needs to get me going and about 10 am it really gets me going, if you catch my drift, so I need a comfortable 'head' so I can do the crossword puzzle.

I couldn't survive without my books and laptop; the laptop I can power with a solar panel snatching Wi-Fi off of my neighbors.

I like to cook so I will  need a simple galley. I'm not Jacque Pepin so it doesn't have to be big; I can do the prep work on the engine cover.

Retirement wouldn't be bearable without wine. Six bottles or so....I'm into cabernets so I won't need any refrigeration.

My bike can stay on the foredeck. That's it ....

Here's some of the stuff I don't need: television, telephone, shaving gear, mailbox, car (I can rent a truck to trailer the boat,) lots of clothes (just a few changes, mostly dockers and golf shirts, navy blazer for the club. I do need my foul weather gear.)

So you see Mr. Schwab, but I'm all set. I've retired on my boat. It's what I, and a lot of my buddies, have dreamed about for years, While my wife refuses to join me she promises to stop by on our anniversary. She does have one simple request. Would please keep the trailer off to the side of the driveway so she can pull in and out of our garage more easily. She doesn't want to scratch her car.

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